Adoreas Red V-litter

Adoreas Red V-litter was born the 1st of December 2022. 1 boy and 5 girls. We are still looking for a co-owner home for a girl. Pictures HERE!

Naámans Kissable Ka-zeb
Born: 04.07.2019 NO50399/19
Sire: US GR CH Manitou Pacific Cutter
Dam: Sunlit Kim Hotcoras
Hips: A
Elbows: 0
Eyes: Clear (June 22)
JADD: Clear
CLAM: Clear
CP1: Clear
CDDY: Clear
CDPA: Clear
Results: BOB with CAC at NRK Telemark. Open Class Winner at Norwegian Winner 2022
Litters: 1 (Adoreas Red V-litter)
Adoreas Red Qela
Born: 03.07.2019 NO50613/19
Sire: Springer Nova’s Sigge Of Deye
Adoreas Red Kindra
Hips: A
Elbows: 0
Eyes: Clear (May 22)
DE: Clear by parentage
JADD: Clear by parentage
Results: CAC (cert) at NKK Rogaland 2020
at her very first show! Danish CAC and CACIB at Danish Winner 2021.
Litters: 1 (Adoreas Red V-litter)

Mom Qela is a smaller, very qute girl. Co-owner Linn trains Agility and Obedience with her. She has been shown only 5 times, and all 5 times she has gained Excellent with Champion Quality. First time she was shown (14 months old), she gained the NKK CAC (cert) at NKK Rogland. Impressive since she didn’t had any show practice. I just meet her for the first time since the puppy pen, and some minutes later we rocked the ring. One year later in Denmark she also got CAC and even a CACIB. Since she is living so far away from me (Stavanger) I haven’t been able to show her that much. Qela is a bit cautious girl, but she adapted to our pack of dogs and the 3 children here at Adorea quite quickly. She is not used to children, but she has developed deep bands with specially Richard (7 years old) here in our house. She has taken the role as a mom perfectly.

Dad Zeb is from a litter I have been following with great interest since they were born because of the pedigree. Dad Cutter is a beautiful Canadian male with the very interesting pedigree. When breeder Sølvi sent me pics I fell for Zeb, and I have had the pleasure to meet him at dog shows during the last year. We were also lucky to borrow him for the mating with Qela, and he is an easygoing, large male.
Zeb is a boy that shows much happiness, and he is wagging with all his body when he meets people or dogs that he knows. He loves to be involved in everything that happens with is family, but he can also stay home alone. He is an energic boy, but he has a good off button at home. The owner has tried Rally Obedience and Retrieving, and he really enjoys tracking. He has a good language with dogs and he is very patient with puppies.

All the pups shall have a name that starts with «V»! The puppy buyers decide the name, and we want the «V-name» to be their everyday name.

Vi søker deleier til tispe (Sørlandet) til en hann (helst på Sørlandet) i dette kullet. Mer info HER!
HER ble jeg intervjuet i Hundesport om det å være fôrvert.

Pedigree Adoreas Red V-litter:

Naámans Kissable Ka-zeb US GR CH
Manitou Pacific Cutter
Honeyrun High Noon At Keepsake 
Honeyrun Tak’n It To The Max 
Tollwest’s Wild Cherry Pepsi 
Manitou’s Cristal Rose 
Readyfor Going to the Max 
Manitou’s Granturismo 
Sunlit Kim Hotcoras N UCH
Red Hot Chilli’s Right On Time 
Shaggy Toller’s White Banjo Boy 
Ilka Od Brendy Z Serbinowa 
SUNLIT Cora Thelmjaxx  Tussatolleren’s Nemjaxx 
Sunlit Thelma Emmastars 
Adoreas Red Qela Springer Nova’s Sigge Of Deye RLD N RLD F
Readyfor O’devin
Foxfire Red Brix
Readyfor’s Joie De Vivre
Piktook’s Diamond Yella
Cinnstars Running Nova’s Piper
Alliance De La Vie Fly Away

Adorea Red Kindra

Redforesthunter Wallace
Can/Am CH Seastar’s Roaneden Darkwater WC JH CD
LP1 LP2 LP3 DKLPCH TJP(DK) Shaggy Tollers Offshore Bine
Adoreas Red Gossip Girl
Lauvstuas Jimmi Fox Taikapoika
NUCH SEU(U)CH DKUCH DKW-13 Adoreas Red Caprice


Requirements for Adorean puppy buyers: Kennel Adorea only sell puppies to active people who have thought carefully trough what it means to have a Toller. The Toller is an active breed that I believe is not suitable for people who just want a calm family dog. The Toller is a cute and sweet dog, and many people therefore falls solely for the look and size. The Toller is a dog that deserves to be worked with, and they will then be a more harmonious and happy dog. You must be able to take a holyday or have the opportunity to bring your puppy to work the first time after delivery. The next few months you also must have arranged so that the puppy will not be home alone all day. You must check if anyone in the family are allergic before you even consider to buy a puppy. You must have time to activate and socialize your puppy so it gets the best conditions in life. You must afford to give the dog quality food, equipment, dog courses, vet visits, vaccinations and insurance. You must x-ray the dog for HD and ED at approx. 12 months of age, and bring the dog to the vet when it needs it. You must give the dog a good, caring, active and permanent home. The dog must become a part of the family. I also want to meet you before deciding whether you get a puppy. Both you and I must feel that it’s okay since we will be in touch for many years to come. Do you live very far north or abroad, we can use references. If you are on many puppy lists I would appreciate if you keep me informed about it, and let me know if you buy another puppy. We never know how many puppies there are, so nobody gets promise of a puppy before they are born. And we also want to see if they develop nicely the first week before we contact the ones on the puppy list. We put a lot of effort in socializing the puppies. They will meet all kind of people in all ages and sizes. We have 3 small kids that take great part in their weeks here at Adorea. Meet different dogs and sometimes other animals. They will also drive a lot of car so they will be confident with that on their journey to their new homes. From the birth to they are 2 weeks old they live in a puppy pen in a silent, calm room. From the age of 2 weeks and up to delivery they are living with the family. They will also spend a lot of time outside exploring lots of things, sounds and places. Kennel Adorea decide when the pups are around 7,5 weeks old who’s going to witch home. To help us make that choice easier, we have to know what you have planned to do with your dog. Go to shows, hunting training, agility, field tracking etc. The puppies will be delivered with: NKK`s (Norwegian Kennel Club) buyers contract, pedigree, veterinary certification, implanted ID tag as well as follow ups/contact with us as long as the dog lives. I hope the buyers will send many pictures and information about their pups growing up. If you are interested in a pup from Kennel Adorea, send us an e-mail where you tell all about yourself (all the family members), just why you want a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, and what you want to do with your dog. What kind of life can you offer your dog!