NEWS 2010

19.09.10  2 x CC Bianca!

This weekend Adoreas Red Bianca really did it in the show ring! She got 2 CC (cert) in 2 days at a show in Sortland! Yesterday she became BOB and today 2nd best bitch. She also had her debut in Agility class 3 and Jump class 3 today and became nr 1 and nr 2. Fantastic! Big congrats to Bianca, the handler Ida-Helene and the very proud owners!

19.09.10  The Adorea weekend 2010 !

We have had an absolutely fantastic weekend here in Arendal. A course in tracking, retrieving, showing, good food, lovely weather, wonderful Adorea dogs and people! I look forward to Adorea weekend 2011 already!
I have lots of pics (800), but put out one of the siblings Adoreas Red Conrad, Cilla and Caprice while I look trought all the others.


Cilla the hunting dog!

This week Cilla passed the qualification test in hunting. So now Cilla is ready to start at hunting tests. It will be so fun to follow you, and we look forward to see you this weekend!

Pic of Adoreas Red Cilla

16.09.10  Adoreahelgen 2010 nærmer seg!

Programmet ligger HER! Jeg gleder meg stort!


Alpha strikes again!

Our sweet Alpha hasn't been out kicking since she got her Swedish Championtitle in January this year. Last weekend I brougth her to NKK Stavanger, and she vent all the way! Best Bitch with CACIB and BOS! I'm so proud of her! She was a joy to show. Her very nice qritique from the Danish judge Jens Martin Hansen: "Harmonisk, velballansert tispe i øverste størrelsesleie. Velskåret, feminint hode m godt uttrykk og korrekt bitt. Utmerket hals og overlinje. Velvinklet foran og bak. Velutviklet kropp med godt forbryst. Flytende bevegelser. Utmerket pels. Godt temperament."
PICTURES from the show and the trip!

We plan to mate Alpha in Jaunary next year, and I can't wait to see what she will give this time. We are so satisfied with her first litter.

Pic of NUCH SEU(U)CH Adoreas Red Alpha

09.09.10     Mer blogg!

Blogg om agility og sånn forskjellig. Link HER! Eller HER om Blogtown er ustabil.

06.09.10     Blogg!

Blogg om tur, agility og med et par bilder av kjekke Adoreanergutter. Link
Eller HER om Blogtown er ustabil.


Todays hiking pictures!

Today we got up early and drove up north to Åmli. We had a lovely day walking up to the mountain Hovdefjell.
Lots of pictures

Caprice is a very active little girl and after almost 3 hours agility training yesterday and todays running and running she is finally tired! And that's not often! :-)

Pic of Adoreas Red Caprice


Show-Diesel and Agility- Bianca!

First, big congrats to Adoreas Red Bianca and mum Ruth on their 5th "napp" in both Agility class 2 and Jump class 2 yesterday! Now Bianca is in class 3 in both Agility and Jump! I'm really impressed with what you girls achieve!

Adoreas Red Diesel (Mr Blue) had his debute in the show ring today. He became BOB-puppy and BIG-2 in Hundorp with an absolutly lovely critique. Big congrats Erica and Frank! It will be so fun to follow you! I look forward to see the pics!

Pic of Adoreas Red Diesel and his family



Agility Caprice!

Last night the club (AOH) held an unofficial agility competiton with three different difficulty levels. Since we have just started our training (only a weekend beginner course) I thought we only should try to take the easiest, the bronze tag. But Caprice really surprised me by taking all three tags. AOH's Bronze, Silver and Gold medals!
Both Caprice and I think this is so fun! And it's so fun that we train together with the RR-Adoreans Arwen and Almea. Se here for pics of the RR-girls and all the medals!

Pic of Adoreas Red Caprice from last night



Pics from our Saturday walk and a bicycle D-girl

Last Saturday we spent all day out in the sun!  Lots of pictures

I just had to share this lovely picture of Deludofina that thinks it's totally okay to join mum and dad on a bicycle ride! :-)

Pic of Adoreas Red Deludofina (Miss Purple)


For de av dere som enda ikke har meldt dere inn i Retrieverklubben og/eller en lokal hundeklubb er det halv pris ut året å gjøre det nå. HER! Anbefales virkelig! Dere får Retrievernytt i posten og om dere ikke er medlem av noen klubber får dere også det nyttige bladet "Hundesport".


Helseundersøkelse! Viktig!

Vi ber alle Adoreanere om å delta på den store Toller helseundersøkelsen. Link HER! Passord: Tollerhelse10. Jeg har nå fylt ut for Kimba og Caprice. Si fra om dere trenger hjelp til å fylle ut eller har noen spørsmål!

Oppfordrere selvsagt alle Tollereiere i Norge om å delta på undersøkelsen!



Cascott Excellent-1!

Promising Adoreas Red Cascott recieved
Excellent-1 in junior class in Copenhagen, Denmark today! Big congrats to Cascott and owners C&C and handler Anina!

I meet this handsome boy in June (for the first time since he left the puppy pen) and I really look forward to see what the future will bring. He is just lovely!

Pic of Adoreas Red Cascott (I took this picture in June)



Agility girls!

Big congrats to Adoreas Red Bianca and mum Ruth on their 4th "napp" in Agility class 2 today!

Adoreas Red Caprice and I have also done some running and jumping this weekend. We attended AOH's beginner course in Agility. It was so much fun! The Adorea Ridgebacks Arwen and Almea also joined us.

Pic of Adoreas Red Caprice and GT


What a day! BOB, BOS, CC and BIG-4 to Adorea!

I'm still over the moon by the results yesterday at a dog show in Sandefjord. Bailey best male and BOS. Young Caprice best female with her 2nd CC at her 3rd show in juniorclass, BOB, and she topped the day by becoming BIG-4 at the all breed show. Her critique; "Velbalansert helhet. Utmerkede proporsjoner. Bra substans. Fem. hode med våkent uttrykk. Meget bra hals og skulder. Tilstr. vinklet fram og bak. Meget bra benstamme. Velutviklet brystkasse for alderen. Beveger seg balansert med bra steg. Enda noe trang sett bakfra. Utmerket pels. Kunnet ønsket noe mer hvitt. Trivelig temperament!"

Pic of BOS NUCH SEU(U)CH Adoreas Red Bailey and BOB and CC winner and BIG4 winner Adoreas Red Caprice



The sweetest Toller girls!

I'm sick this week and the dogs have been bored. The RR's are grateful just to lay next to me in the couch, but the two small ones have to experience more. My mum has taken care of Dior most of the time, so that's very helpful.
Thank's to Aud for letting all my dogs run and play in your big garden yesterday. They were so happy after that playtime!
Some pics from Thuesday when Caprice and Dior played in my garden: HERE!

Pic of Adoreas Red Caprice and Dancing Dior



Our new addition to Adorea!

Little Miss Pink is still at the kennel and she charms everyone she meets on her way. She follows me to work and plays with the other dogs. She is an outgoing, happy puppy.
But we are still looking for the right home for her to live on breeders terms. Info about that HERE (only in Norwegian).

Pic of Adoreas Red Dancing Dior


Africa blog!

I'm now back from a work trip to Tanzania. GT blog HERE, HERE and HERE!




The last puppy pictures of the gang together!

The pups are now 8 weeks old and tomorrow most of the pups leave for their new homes. Enjoy the last pictures of the siblings together in the PUPPY BLOG.
They are the sweetest!!! Good luck in your new homes, and remember that I'm always here for you!

Pic of Adoreas Red Duke Dexter



More puppy pictures!

Pictures of the pups in different situations in the PUPPY BLOG.


Pic of Adoreas Red D's



Puppies celebrating the Norwegian national day out in the woods!

Pictures from our excursion to the woods in the PUPPY BLOG.


Pic of Adoreas Red D... and D... (Miss Yellow and Miss Grey)



Puppies at the country side!

Pictures from our excursion to the countryside in the PUPPY BLOG.


Pic of Adoreas Red D... (Pink) the horse Djastin and me



Lots of mixed puppy pics!

Pictures from our everyday life in the PUPPY BLOG.


Pic of Adoreas Red Diesel and girl



The pups and Caprice!

Pictures in the PUPPY BLOG.

Today the pups have been out at the countryside visiting horses and hens. Pictures from that will come.

Pic of Adoreas Red Caprice and pups



The pups out in the sun!

Lots of pictures in the PUPPY BLOG.

Pic of Adoreas Red D... "Miss Orange"


And finally; the stacked pictures!

Stacked 5,5 weeks pictures in the PUPPY BLOG.

Pic of Adoreas Red D... "Mr Brown"



Finally the 5 weeks head pictures!

A bit delayed, but here is finally the 5 weeks head pictures in the PUPPY BLOG.

Pic of Adoreas Red D... "Miss Pink"




Mixed pictures of the pups, feeding time pictures and some of Kimba and Miss Pink  in the PUPPY BLOG.

Pic of Kimba and her pup



Hipp hurra for the A litter!

Today it's 4 years since Kennel Adorea's first litter was born! A big congrats to Ajanco, Aesop, Azanto, Alpha and Ayla on their 4th birthday! We hope that you all had a absolutely wonderful day! With lots of treats and good food!
And today our warmest thoughts goes to Lotte that lost her darling Anweniola in a terrible poisoning this January. We will never forget her!

Pic of Adoreas Red A litter



Agility-Bailey and D-pups pics!

Pictures of the pups in Blåbærsvingen and some news about dad Dancer in the PUPPY BLOG.

Found this lovely pic of Hege and Bailey from the agility competition yesterday! You booth look great, Hege!!!

Pic of Adoreas Red Bailey and Hege



More agility today!

Bianca and Ruth also competed in agility today. Bianca got a "napp" (don't know the word in English) in both Agility and Jump. You need 3 "napp" in order to advance to next class. Bianca has now 2 "napp" in both disciplines. Big congrats to Ruth!!!

Pics of Adoreas Red Bianca



Bailey had his agility debut today!

Big congrats to Hege and Bailey that had their debut in agility today! B became number 6 of 31 and had only one fault! That's very impressing in a debute!!!

D name suggestions wanted in the PUPPY BLOG.

Pic of Adoreas Red Bailey



The 7 Adorean wonders 4 weeks old!

Head pics in the PUPPY BLOG.

Tomorrow the pups will move from my parents home to my house.

Caprice and I were supposed to attend an agility course this weekend, but my little girl has got her first heat so no course! But brother Conrad will attend! Hope you will have fun, Nina!

Pic of Adoreas Red D (Mr Brown).



The D-pups again!

Lots of pictures and some words about the pups in the PUPPY BLOG.

Pic of Adoreas Red D... and D...



Our star!!! Caprice BOB
at NKK Bergen!

Young Caprice had her debut in official show this Saturday at NKK Bergen. And our little star manage to go all the way to BOB from junior class!!!
She was the only bitch who received CQ from the strict judge Per Iversen, and she then won the big NKK CC. She also beat the handsome champion male in the BOB/BOS final. We are extremely proud of our little girl!!!

The critique: "Meget lovende ung tispe. 1 år gammel. Velbygget. Feminint velformet hode. Bra uttrykk. Meget god hals. Bra kropp. Kunne hatt litt sterkere rygglinje i stående. Vel ansatt hale. Velvinklet bak. Beveger seg med stil. Flott fremvist."

Pic of Adoreas Red Caprice (taken 4 days before the show by Michael - owner of Dancer)



The pups 3 weeks old

Lots of pictures in the PUPPY BLOG.

Pic of Adoreas Red D... "Miss Pink"



illa the obedience dog

Yesterday our Cilla achieved the Bronze mark in obedience! She has just turned 1 year old, so that's very impressing! Cilla became 3rd of all the dogs and she gained 10 points for the overall impression. Way to go, Vigdis!!!

Pic of Adoreas Red Cilla



Caprice and her wooden frisbee

Pictures from the weekend HERE!

Pic of Adoreas Red Caprice



2 weeks pics and Bossanova!

Lots of new pictures of the 7 Adorean wonders with singel pictures in the PUPPY BLOG. And lots of mixed pictures as well!

And big congrats to Adoreas Red Bossanova at Nortorps with her 5 newborn puppies at Kennel Nortorps!!! We look forward to follow Adoreas new grand children!

Pic of Adoreas Red D-litter



Easter pics in the blog!

Some words and pictures in GT-BLOGGEN (only in Norwegian)

Pic of NUCH SEU(U)CH Logrekrokens Belle Kimba, mum of our D litter.


GT blog!

Some words in GT-BLOGGEN (only in Norwegian)



Head shots!

We present the 7 Adorean wonders with singel pictures in the PUPPY BLOG. And lots of mixed pictures as well!

Pic of Mr Blue, D litter.



Proud daddy Dancer !

More in our PUPPY BLOG.

I promise to post pictures of our 6 days old puppies to night! They are just adorable, and some of them will even get a dark nose. To my great joy! :-) I just love both colors on the noses!!!

Pic of the sire to our D litter: PO Jr CH, PO CH, Club Jr Winner (CZ), CZ Jr CH Rhineferry's Namid Indian Dancer. Copyrigth: Dancing with Fire



The C litter celebrate their first birthday today !

1 year old!!! It's amazing how time flies! Our C puppies have developed so nicely, and we are so satisfied with them! We were not supposed to keep a little one at home here at Kennel Adorea, but one of these we could not resist! I hope you all will have a wonderful first birthday, and that we will meet again this year!
Caprice started her birthday celebration by sleeping at my pillow this morning. She is so cuddly! This evening we will go to her weekly obedience class, and that's what she like the most; to work! :-)

Pic of Adoreas Red C-litter



Lots of pictures of the 7  Adorean wonders !

Everything is fine with our 5 girls and 2 boys! They are now 2 days old!

Lots pics in the PUPPY BLOG.

Pic of Adoreas Red D-litter



We wish 7 new Adoreans welcome to the world!

5 girls and 2 boys! The 7 wonders!
More pics in the PUPPY BLOG.

I have finally written about the crazy trip to Krakow (and much more) in GT-BLOGGEN (only in Norwegian)

Pic of Adoreas Red D-litter


Day 62 and you have to follow the puppy blog today!

Link: PUPPY BLOG! The birth is near!!!


Day 61 and Kimba is restless!

Some word in the PUPPY BLOG!


Puppy blog D litter!

We have launched the puppy blog that will keep you all posted about the D litter pups: PUPPY BLOG

Pic of the sire to the upcomming litter PO Jr CH, PO CH, Club Jr Winner (CZ), CZ Jr CH
Rhineferry's Namid Indian Dancer

Copyrigth: Dancing with Fire


Puppies! 2 weeks to go!

Kimba's belly is growing. In about 2 weeks from now, we can wish Adoreas D-litter welcome!
We look so forward to that! Exiting!
Kimba is staying with my parents at Flosta now so she has some pleasent and quite days in her own thempo and wishes.
When the birth approaches me and the rest of the dogs are moving to Flosta. Right after the birth my mum will look after the puppies when I'm at work in daytime. And then it's Easter with lots of time to cuddle with the puppies!

Read more about the upcomming litter HERE!

Pics of NUCH SEU(U)CH Logrekroken's Belle Kimba and mum GT


Finally the pictures from MyDog!

I have finally put together the album from the amazing days in Gothenburg in January. See them HERE!

We are expecting puppies!

Johoo!!! I took a crazy trip to Krakow (and collected some fresh semen) and now Kimba is confirmed in whelp! So in week 12 (around the 24th of March) we expect Adoreas D-litter!!!

Read more and see the ultrasound picture HERE!




Yesterday Adoreas Red Camilla was the only Adorean represented at the Norwegian Kennel Club Show in Bø. Sister Caprice was suppose to attend, but we were in Mysen mating RR Troja. But Camille did very well. She got a 1st price and placed 3rd in junior class with this lovely critique: Mørk, feminin 11 mnd gammel tispe. Bra hode, noe tynt neseparti. Velplasserte små fine ører. Bra hals, rygg, utmerket kors. Velkroppet, veldig bra vinkler. Bra benstamme. rør seg noe trangt bak, men bra steglengde bak. Noe kort fram. Utmerket pels."


Our grand "old" lady, Kimba turns 7 years today!

Time flies and today it's 7 years since Kennel Adorea's fondation bitch was born. It was then everything started! My dog life! I couldn't have imagined the way things should evolve. I'm so grateful for all I have learned, for all the people I have met, for the beautiful puppies and of course for all the moments with my beloved dogs!
Kimba lives mostly with my parents now, so tonight we will celebrate her at my parents house.

One of my favorite pics of NUCH SEU(U)CH Logrekroken's Belle Kimba.


En stjerne har forlatt oss... / A star has left us...

Vi er fortsatt i sjokk over det plutselige dødsfallet til Adoreas Red Anweniola.
Den søteste Tollerjenta i verden! Alle som har møtt Iola har blitt sjarmert av hennes søte vesen og utseende, og selvsagt av hennes fantastiske gemytt.
Svaret på obduksjonen kom i dag, og hun ble akutt forgiftet av giftig mugg sopp. Vi sitter igjen med mange spørsmål om hvordan hun kan ha fått det i seg. Kanskje har hun fått i seg noe fordervet mat ute på tur. Vi vet ikke. Det er så ufattelig det hele!
En stor takk til dyrlege Berit på Oslo Dyreklinikk som gjorde det hun kunne for å redde jenta vår. Og for all støtte og ikke minst hjelp med våre spørsmål.
Den største takken i verden går selvsagt til fôrvert Lotte med familie som har gitt Iola det beste livet hun kunne fått! Vi holder kontakten!!!

We are still inn shock after the sudden death of Adoreas Red Anweniola. The sweetest Toller girl ever!
The answer from the autopsy came today and she was poisoned by some mold/mildew fungi. We don't know how she got that into her stomach, but she probably ate something outside on a walk. It's so terrible!
The biggest thank you in the world is to Lotte with family that has given Iola the best life she could have had. We keep in touch!!!

Les og se mer bilder av Iola HER! Read and see more pics of Iola HERE!



I'm going to Egypt tomorrow, so I will not be answering e-mails for the next week. 


Two new SE U(U)CH (Swedish Champions) to Adorea at MyDog!!!

We have had some fantastic days at MyDog 2010 in Gothenburg. We brought two dogs, and both became Swedish Champions! At their first atempt in Sweden! I'm thrilled!
Each day between 40-50 Tollers were attending.

NUCH Adoreas Red Bailey 2nd best dog, CC, resCACIB and new Swedish Champion.
NUCH Adoreas Red Alpha best bitch, CC, CACIB, new Swedish Champion and BOS,

NUCH SE U(U)CH Adoreas Red Bailey 3rd best dog and resCACIB.
NUCH SE U(U)CH Adoreas Red Alpha 3rd best bitch.

Pics of Adoreas Red Alpha and Bailey (thanks to Mona for the pics below).

Older news:  2007-2009  2006  2005   2004    Older English news HERE