NUCH Adoreas Red Alpha

Born: 27.04.2006
Sex: Bitch 11687/06
Hight: 48 cm
Weight: 18 kg
Eyes: DNA A (free)
Results: 2xBOB puppy, 1xBOS puppy, BIG4 and BIS3!
3xCC, 2th best bitch at the Norwegian Tollerspeciality 2007! 

Living with: Tone and Per Damsgård, Arendal
Breeding rights: Kennel Adorea

Results    Pedigree   Photogallery

  Alpha our first homebreed champion. I'm so proud of her! Alpha caught my attention from the moment she was born. She lives only 5 min from Kennel Adorea and she is often visiting us.
Her results at dogshows has been amazing. From 3 starts in the puppy class, she has 2xBOB and 1xBOS. From 11 starts from junior to open class, she has 10 class placements, 6 class wins and 4 best bitch placements. Her first CAC she gaines when she was 13 months old and became 2th best bitch on the Toller Festival in 2007.
Alpha is a supersweet, charming bitch that is always happy.
Here is how Tone (Alpha’s human mom) describes Alpha: Kind, loyal, playful, patient, smart, hungry, curious, cuddly and just wonderful!
The plan is that Alpha will be the mother to Adorea's C-litter.

Easter 2008

  Tone, Åshild, Una og AlphaOppdretter GT hvisker Alpha i øret at vi sees veldig snart!
Søøøt!Gjenforening med mor og datter!
Vakre Alpha 10 uker gammel!Lik sin mamma!
Sukk!Alpha i blåbærlyng ved hytta deres!
Sånn en gjensynsglede mellom mor og datter!Har du vasket ørene dine?
Vi må ha en alvorsprat! Har du det bra?Visker deg at jeg har det bra!!!!
Vasker deg litt, kjære datter!Få litt kos, mamma!!!!